Being beautiful


Friday, July 21, 2006

Honouring Your Folks

Hounouring your parents means looking after them during their old age.It clearly means not to let your parents down when they depend on you.As this is their time of need the most, as previously they have cherished their life and love for us, to nurture to whom we are now.Its not only part our responsble to take care for them but also moral obligations.below are some quick ideas how you can cultivate an honouring relationship with your parents:-

Parenthood is a calling that lasts a lifetime.Parents are still deeply concerned when,as an dault, on thinghappen to you or around you.Learn to appreciate and share things that occur in your life as appropriate and be willing to embrace the truth that regardless your age, you are still their baby.

Parents are human being too.They do have interest, hobbies,friends,siblings and emotions.Spend time talking to them, ask them about their liking and their wish.Do give them room to express themselves or offer to join them in important activities.

No matter how irritating their behaviour or words,be polite to them.Talk to them in the same way you want to be spoken to.Treat them with patience and understanding.Do not ever raise your voice or be impatient at their slowness to understand.

You should never ever slander your parents.No matter what they said or done, you shoul never let them down even in fromt of your spouse, friends or siblings.You harm their character or ingrain a rejection of your parents by speaking negatively about them.

When we leave our parents to our spouses, a great union is created.But do bear in mind that when you leave home, you leave the ones whom poured their whole life into developing you and caring for you.Be sure to call,turn around regularly and share your love,concern and gratitude.Initiate calls rather then for them to call you.

As you share your difficult situations with your parents, you can expect them to be concerned about you.There are times they will about your well being.Let them know that know you appreciate their concern.Initiating conversation will help validate their feelings and quell their fears as well.

Train your children to speak to their grandparents, regularly, with respect even they are teenagers.At home talk to your children abut grandma and grandpa often.These little thing that can bridge the gap that distance created.Your effort will be appreciated and it helps your parents connect to your children.

The above suggestion will not be helpful unless your heart desires to honour your parents.Think of will you feel when your children do not appreciate or honour you.So let it start from you, be the lead of example..

Posted by deviga :: 11:30 AM :: 0 Comments:

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